Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008

Paste it Up - Cut Out Exhibition 2008 Basel

XStreets present the Paste it Up / Cut Out Exhibition. from 21.06.2008 - 23.06.2008. (15.00-22.00pm) A international Streetart Exhibition at: Sommercasino Basel, Münchensteinstr. 1, 4052 Basel (Switzerland). With over 50 international artists. From
Switzerland: Bustart, Zaira, Wosl, JOM, befree, apfel Z, EL Chriso, Anker Crew, ViewOne, CCC, Tika TGS.
Netherlands: Yves, MLSS, Mezzer, Amy.
Germany: tigapics, the lover, Der Herr und sein Knecht, ony2, nOel, The Walters, sinero, dash3ultra, pirho, quasikunst, flashinjp, rio.
Austria: m1030.
Denmark: Kissmama, Lints.
Italy: Omino71, Herzog cinaski, Eleuro.
Israel: Vridone, Inspire, Elna.
Brazil: Vivian Puxian, Gejo.
France: Tian, Suriani, FKDL.
USA: CONFORM! CAMPAIGN, fortunetellersclub, RADICAL!, bountyhunter113.
Great Britain: Atoz.
Canada: Relish, sey.mour, Clementine.
Russia: Strafe.